Monday, November 16, 2009

Black Friday.

Thanksgiving is coming. Many people are exciting on Black Friday because they can get big discount on shopping. Last year there was a Wal-Mart worker died because of the crowded consumers on Black Friday (WMT, Fortune 500). We do not want to see the tragedy reproduction. This year WM takes many measures to make people safe. They set some special plans to care about how to make consumer enter safely and how to display production convenient for shoppers. The in-store special production will be sold on 5 a.m. on Black Friday in WM (

I am very exciting about the Black Friday because I have never experience about that. I am going to undergo it this year and enjoy the exciting second. Of course, make myself safely first!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Would you like hummer? The biggest SUV will be retained to produce in America, as offices said on Nov. 11, 2009. GM was going to sell hummer to a Chinese car manufacturer, but same as finally keeping Opel, GM regrets again. GM announced that Hummer is going to be out of stock. The inventory turnover day in dealer normally could be 60 days, but right now is lower than 30 days, which is the main reason for GM to decide the plant reactive at Shreveport, LA.
At the beginning, the reasons for suspending the plant were the great decrease demand of customers (lost 64% customers). It recorded only 8,400 unit sold at September and Chinese car manufacture was interested in purchasing. Right now, what is the economic signal that GM gives us?

In my opinion, at the first, GM wants to keep the market because of confidence for Hammer. Another one is optimism for future economic. Lastly, GM wants to keep the leader in car industry by keeping this high-technology car.

Resourse: ( )

Monday, November 9, 2009

The most popular jobs.

What do you think for the best top job in America in 2009? Lawyer? Dentists? No, the answer is systems engineer.
Money/ rate the top 50 jobs with great pay and growth prospect. The first 6 jobs are system engineer, Physician Assistant, College professor, Nurse practitioner, Information Technology project manager, Certified public accountant. (
The demand of systems engineers is soaring because the popularity of high-tech in the common industries. The pay is higher and a lot of opportunity for promotion. Most of them think their jobs is close to the human life and they like it.

The CPA and College professor careers are most popular for us. To get CPA you should take the test first and have 150 hours business and accounting classes. Also you need the job experience. The drawback is that you must figure out numbers everyday. During the tax preparation times, usually CPA are too busy to remember who they are.

Most of MBA students choose to continue study for Ph.D. They want to be a professor and teach in the college. The college professor is more free out of the teaching time and office time. They could decide their own time. The requirement is you must get Ph.D degree first and teach experience. But usually the starting pay of college professor is low.
The rank range of Business Analyst, sales director, human resounrse manager, marketing manager and so on are around 20- 50. They are still popular in America. Although salary is necessary, it is not the most important. If you do not like your job, you won't have a good prospect for the long-run. You like, you win. Interest is the key for career success.

Friday, November 6, 2009

We like "Green".

"Green" is a popular topic this time. Every people like green and want green. "Green" Means no pollution and environmental protection. As the temperature goes higher than before, the earth warm situation to be serious, more and more land replace by desert, many rare animals become extinct, lots of place encounter acid rain, potable water to be less and less and so on, human began worry about their survival environment. Every people live in the world have the resposibility to protect the environment.

Also many companies began to consider the environmental protection as their policy. Here is the webside which shows the Green Ranking list of 2009 in American.
The result was decided by the whole environment impact which included the green policies and reputation survey. The first one is Hewlett-packard company. It is a technology industry sector. The company has a strong program which reduces GHG emissions and remove the toxic substances from its products. The other top four companies are Dell, Johnson & Johnson, Intel and IBM which are famous companies in the world.
To popularize the "Green" policies will get lots of benefit for companies. Many people will spend much more money for "Green" products. For example, in my country China, our government enacted the policies that to use biodegradable bags instead of plastic bags several years ago. People agreed and supposed that policy.They were willing to pay more money for green stuff.
Under the slow economy and competitive situation, carry out green environmental protection measures which is a smart idea. Customers are the most important factor for a company's profit. If the company get the suppose from customers, it would be outstanding in the business.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

DisneyTheme Park will in China Shanghai.

There is an article in The NewYork Times, the Business Day section, talks about that Disney Theme Park will be built in Shanghai China. The Walt Disney Company has won approval from the government in Beijing of China recently. The negotiation of Disney Theme Park will hold in Shanghai later. They have not get the final agreement on it. All the people like me look forward to see Disney Theme Park in China Shanghai.

The Park will across 1,000 acres of the city's Pudong district and the theme park section will across 100 of those. It will include the Magic Kingdom-style theme Park areas, shopping areas, hotels areas and some other service areas. It sounds a really big foreign investement in China. From the evalution, the initial park will cost $3.5 billion which not include the hotels and resort infrastructure. If the Park goes well in the future, they expect to increase the areas to 1,700acres and attract about 45 million annual visitors.
I am so glad to hear about that. There is a good way for chinese people know the American culture, especially for the kids.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hand sanitizer in short

From the World Health Organization (WHO) reporting in April this year, there were nearly 400,000 people all around the world got swine flu and more than 4,700 people died because of sick(CNN More and more people begin to feel the seriously pandemic. At this time, the demand of hand sanitizer rise fastly. Many area in the United States can not get enough hand sanitizer supply. Market research company estimated that about 3 million kilograms of hand sanitizer were shipped in the third querter which is 3 times more than last year (CNN This emergancy pandemic makes every people get in hurry. The demand is higher than supply. But, as the antiseptic companies, they think that the higher demand is temporary. They hired additional workers to help the increase output temporary. After this bad flu season, every thing will go back. They do not think it is necessary to change the produce plan of the whole company and increase the tremendous products. That may be increase the cost of inventory.
Actrually, hand sanitizer can not instead of soup and sink. People use hand sanitizer usually because people cannot get hands wash. In order to increase the immunity system, we should wash hands as much as possible, especially after using public computer in library.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

what do different companies all of the world to do?

During the slow economic recession, all the companies in the world try to find an effective way to additional benefits. During the article Recruitment and Retention across Continents, Lauren Forgacs lists different companies all of the world to find out how does organizational learning work during the economic recession.
In China, most companies focus in a new era. Policymakers prefer to cut training budget at this moment and focus on the short-term benefits to resist the economic crisis. In the Middle East countries, they try to find an innovate method to fit the environment. Managers are going to set up a new department to find out the talent and creative people. They believe that the creative team will lead staff happy and achieve their objective. In the Latin America, most leaders put people first. They focus on the culture to fit the organization because they think people are the basic factor to get higher profitability. In Latin America a lot of people move to other countries for the better quality of life. As local managers they engaging and retaining staff to keep the companies functioning. In Europe countries, they focus on the retention and control productivity. Many organizations choose re-evaluation and figure out how the companies should be shaped and which activities need consider firstly. They value the contribution of the learning function and reduce work-related stress of people.
Organizational learning is necessary for the companies’ development especially during the economic crisis. It plays a significant role in changing economic environment. It should become more efficient and effective. The organizational learning must keep on going during the business operate process. The only effect of organizational learning is helps the companies to achieve the business goal.

Forgacs, Lauren. Recruitment and Retention across Continents, T+D, Jun2009, Vol. 63 Issue 6, p40-44, 5p,

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I am very interesting when I saw the word "guanxi" in the BA510 textbook Chapter13 on page 533. In the textbook, "guanxi" means," In China, a person's network of personal and business connections".
As the economic development, "guanxi" is more and more popular. It is very important between the employer and employee during the business. The positive "guanxi" will motivates people communicate each other, establishes a strong networking relationship, overcoming the competitive disadvantages, acquiring power and reduce the cost, and so on. Also the most important thing is positive "guanxi" reinforce the organizational citizenship behavior especially for the small business. Sometimes a positive "guanxi" may decides whether success or not for a small business. But it also brings some negative impacts. For example, "guanxi" may encourage unfair. Many employees' "guanxi" with their boss is closely relative to their pay and position. Some managers make unfair decision because of the "guanxi" with some interest person.
Right now in China, we encourage GREEN "guanxi' which means good for the relationship between employers and employees. It will beneficial to the company's operation and development.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Colorado lower minimum wage in 2010

From the New York Times, I knew the Colorado state is going to lower minimum wage in 2010. The reason is because of the falling inflation rates. The author writes that, "The state's Department of Labor and Employment said Tuesday that it planned to lower the minimum wage to $7.24 from $7.28, after an August federal consumer price index report showed that the cost of living had fallen in the state". In my opinion, everyone do not want to be decreased the wage, especially in the slow economy and falling inflation. Also the consumption level in Colorado is low in the whole United States. Anyway it is not a good news for the low income person in Colorado State. Although just four cents do not sound a big number that would make people feel uncomfortable and arouse lots of complain.

Friday, October 2, 2009

How fast it goes!

Oct 1,2009 is the 60th Anniversary of China. There was a spectacular parade in Beijing. About 200,000 people participated it. It reviewed the achievement of China for the last 60 years. Actually, China developed very fast during the last 20 years. That because the government issued a lot of policies which are encourage economic development. 'Open window' is a typic policy which introduct foreign capital. It encourages foreign tradesman to set up companies in China. There are many preferential for them. After that a lot of Joint Venture companies operated in China. It spured the economic development, solved the allocation of labor, and brought higher level of marketing theory. Also there are lots of preferential tariff policy attracted foreign investment.
Just 20 years, Chinese economy took a huge changes. Many people suprised it. It is incrediable. I think the most important thing is open the door to the world. To communicate and learn the advence science and technology each other, enchange the experience to achieve a win-win situation.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I learnt from the International Festival.

There was an International Festival in Bowling Green downtown yesterday. Every country had a table to show their culture and sell traditional souvenirs. As a volunteer, I help Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) to sell the souvenirs.

During the day, I got a lot of experience of selling: firstly, as a seller, you must understand what the customers' desire. You must analyse the psychology of comsumers. Secondly, confidence is very important as a seller. You must introduce the productions with passion and confidence. Thirdly, you can use selling skills to communicate with the comsumers. You can ask questions to customers, praise their dress or jewerly, and so on. During talking, you can get the information from customers. Then you will know what the customers interested. What kinds of the souvenirs they want. Sometimes, you need to show how does the productions use for even though you know they won't buy. Bucause usually consumers buy something which they do not really want. They buy just because they are interested your production at that moment. So sellers' introduction and explain is very important.

Under such slow economic environment, the successful selling should mostly depend on the sellers' skills. I talked with customers and explained them Chinese culture. They were very interested them. After they knew what the souvenir means, they bought it. I was very enjoyed the selling day.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Different business style

There are some different business style between China and America. In my opinion, American business meeting usually more effective, short and simple. American people express idea directly. They focus on the benefit about the business. They speak out if they do not like. But in China, Chinese people are quite different. During business meeting, people talk last for long time even though there are no result. If they do not agreen on each other, they usually do not express their opinion. If Chinese people do not answer your question directly that means they do not agree with you. During most business dinner, alcohol is necessary. People will let you drink a lot. If you do not drink a lot they will think you are not going to cooperate with them.They think you are not honest. Wether the business dinner is successful or not it is usually depend on how much you drink. That is our business culture. It becomes a general business style.
American people doing business make a lot of plans include short plans and long plans. They operate program step by step. They do not change plan if there is not very important reason. But Chinese people do not like make plans before doing. Although they make plans they do not operate it. They think plans are changed easily.
Culture is very important during business. If you wants to open a market in China you must understant the culture first. That is necessary for you. You will save a lot of time and not lose opportunity.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Welcome my friends!

Hey! Everyone. My name is Liyan Sun and come from China. I have been here more than one year. Frist of all, thanks BA512 class. Because this is my first blog in America and use English language to write down something. I am very glad to communicate classmates use blog. I believe everyone will enjoy the blog discussing. It must be a happy place here.