Sunday, September 20, 2009

Different business style

There are some different business style between China and America. In my opinion, American business meeting usually more effective, short and simple. American people express idea directly. They focus on the benefit about the business. They speak out if they do not like. But in China, Chinese people are quite different. During business meeting, people talk last for long time even though there are no result. If they do not agreen on each other, they usually do not express their opinion. If Chinese people do not answer your question directly that means they do not agree with you. During most business dinner, alcohol is necessary. People will let you drink a lot. If you do not drink a lot they will think you are not going to cooperate with them.They think you are not honest. Wether the business dinner is successful or not it is usually depend on how much you drink. That is our business culture. It becomes a general business style.
American people doing business make a lot of plans include short plans and long plans. They operate program step by step. They do not change plan if there is not very important reason. But Chinese people do not like make plans before doing. Although they make plans they do not operate it. They think plans are changed easily.
Culture is very important during business. If you wants to open a market in China you must understant the culture first. That is necessary for you. You will save a lot of time and not lose opportunity.


  1. In several of my MBA classes we touched on the importance of understanding and respecting the different cultural and business styles of other countries. You make a good point that you need to follow the typical protocol of the country you're in business with or you may not get very far!

  2. Cultural difference is one of the most hard-to-deal-with problems to many businesses when they first enter a new market. Once you overcome this obstacle, you can survive and develop in that market.
